Freud (NL) – Internationaal Theater Amsterdam
For Le Scénario Freud, I researched 19th and 20th-century Viennese music to create soundscapes that reflect both the emotional landscape and the societal context of the production. The music incorporates traditional Viennese waltzes alongside more modern, haunting elements, especially during Freud’s therapy sessions, where I used analog bass synthesizers to create an eclectic and unsettling underscore. Another part of the production focused on Freud’s Jewish heritage and the anti-Semitism he faced, with these themes woven into the sound design to underline the deeper societal issues explored in the text.
after Le Scénario Freud
from Jean-Paul Sartre © Éditions Gallimard
directed by Ivo van Hove
translation Gerardjan Rijnders
adaptation FC Bergman & Koen Tachelet
dramaturgy Koen Tachelet
scenography & light design Jan Versweyveld
Music & sound design George Dhauw
costumes An D’Huys
Componist George Dhauw schiep bij dit alles een subtiele soundscape van fin-de-siècle
De volkskrant
Er is bijzonder suggestieve muziek van de jonge componist en sound designer George Dhauw, soms onvervroren Weense walsmuziek waarop Freud en Fliess samen aandoenlijk dansen.
Stef Aerts speelt een bezielende hoofdrol met sterke klankbeelden van componist George Dhauw.